Tag: Supernatural

  • Ep 235: Ghost Stories 8

    Ep 235: Ghost Stories 8

    A tapestry of terror awaits you to close out this year’s Blurry Photober with Ghost Stories 8! Chock full of original works, Ghost Stories 8 has selections of cosmic, supernatural, and psychological horror. Blurrievers Adam B. and Sean Hill have contributed stories of their own, so make sure to check out their stuff. And make…

  • Ep 228: Hillbilly Horror Stories

    Ep 228: Hillbilly Horror Stories

    Flora made a trip back down to the Bluegrass state to visit and interview fellow podcasters Jerry and Tracy Paulley of the Hillbilly Horror Stories Podcast! Specializing in spooky stories told with that good ‘ole southern charm, Hillbilly Horror Stories both tells the tales and gives honest reactions to some fascinating otherworldly topics. Jerry and…

  • Ep 202: Trolls

    Ep 202: Trolls

    David and Dave brave the Scandinavian nighttime to skinny dip in the mythology of trolls! A creature of Norse folklore, the troll has morphed throughout the ages from supernatural figures to ugly giants but endures as a staple of fantasy literature. They have been around in stories since the earliest sagas and remain respected not…