David welcomes author WT Watson to the show to discuss the phantom black dog phenomenon! Author of Phantom Black Dogs: Walkers of the Liminal Way WT Watson joins the show to talk about his work and research into black dog folklore. Stories and encounters litter his book and he shares some in this episode. Huge black canines, smaller dark dogs, and a range of outcomes abound from Watson’s research. Tales from the UK, US, Canada and Mexico are discussed in addition to mythological examples. Bring some bacon and maybe a leash for this episode of Blurry Photos! RIP Esmerelda
Don’t forget to check out Travis’ book Phantom Black Dogs: Walkers of the Liminal Way
Biography from Amazon
W. T. Watson is a coffee addict and writer of both fiction and non-fiction. He infuses his work with his expertise in cryptozoology, monster lore, magic, Forteana and the paranormal. W.T. brings a unique shamanic and magical perspective to all his work after over 30 years of exploration in these topics. When he is not writing or reading about monsters, he can be found outdoors allowing his dogs to take him for a walk around his neighbourhood in Kitchener, Ontario. He lives with his spouse, Stacey, in a townhome that would be jammed with books if it weren’t for e-readers.
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Myst on the Moor, Apprehension, Backbay Lounge – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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