Raise your glass of Guinness, shot of Jameson, or Harp/Killian’s/Smithwick’s/Kilkenny/etc. and toast to Season 9 of Blurry Photos with an episode of Irish ghosts! There’s no shortage of hair-raising tales of Irish ghosts from the Emerald Isle, and Flora tells four of ’em while enjoying a nice drink in this episode. Three poltergeists and a wandering phantom are included in the season opener. And you even get a bonus poem to boot! Hear tell of Petticoat Loose, Corney the poltergeist, a haunted abode in Enniscorthy, and a terrifying old house in Cooneen. Shine up your shoe buckles, wipe down those pint glasses, and light an extra candle, this Slurry Photos will shamrock your socks off!
Myst on the Moor, Celtic Impulse, Long Note 3, Long Note 4, Return of Lazarus, Danse Macabre – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Dark Rooms, She is in the Woods – Music by Co.Ag
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Gaelic’s Call – Trey VanZandt (YouTube.com/c/treyvanzandt)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Fiddle De Dee – Shane Ivers
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 Int’l License
Silent Owl. Petticoat Loose. The Witch of Baylough. A Mayo Druid. Blog. Oct. 16, 2010. Web. http://amayodruid.blogspot.com/2010/10/petticoat-loose-witch-of-baylough.html
- Yeats, W.B. The Celtic Twilight. A.H. Bullen. London. 1902.
- Seymour, St. John D., Neligan, Harry L. True Irish Ghost Stories. Hodges, Figgis, and Co. ltd. Dublin. 1914.
Petticoat Loose. Emerald Isle. Web. http://emeraldisle.ie/petticoat-loose
The Ghost Below. Emerald Isle. Web. http://emeraldisle.ie/the-ghost-below
The Spirit of Enniscorthy. Emerald Isle. Web. http://emeraldisle.ie/the-spirit-of-enniscorthy
Barry, Aoife. Read the Terrifying Tales of Two of Ireland’s Spookiest Houses. The Journal.IE. Oct. 27th, 2014. Web. https://www.thejournal.ie/tarquin-blake-haunted-ireland-1736828-Oct2014/
Leslie, Shane. Ghost Book. Tumblar House, USA. 2017.
McCarra, Darren. The Cooneen Ghost. McCarra.co. Web. http://mccarra.co/cooneen-ghost/
Quinlivan, Janet. Cooneen Poltergeist Terrorises Fermanagh. The Spooky Isles. Jan. 18th, 2016. Web. https://www.spookyisles.com/cooneen-poltergeist/
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