Other Dyatlovs part 2

Ep 263: Other Dyatlovs part 2

Other Dyatlovs part 2
Snow easy answers to these mysteries.

Part two of Other Dyatlovs continues the dive into these Russian mysteries. Similar to Khamar-Daban, the strange deaths at Chivruay Pass leave nothing but questions for these other Dyatlovs. Flora dives deeply into the mystery to tell the story and explanations of what happened in 1973 on the Kola Peninsula. During a popular hike along a relatively easy path, 10 hikers seemingly split up and died overnight. Explanations range from vengeful spirits to KGB hits. How did these young people meet their fate on that snowy mountain pass? Why were they found in different places with missing eyes and blackened skin? David breaks down each explanation and offers some critical thought in the second part of this episode of Blurry Photos!

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Myst on the Moor, Floating Cities, Hiding Your Reality, Leaving Home, Lonely Mountain, Snowdrop, Spider Eyes – Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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