John Titor
Do a show on a time travel AND Internet legend? Flori-duh!

The time is nigh to learn about what your future may have in store as Flora tackles the tale of John Titor! An Internet legend 20 years in the making, the story of the time traveler John Titor is chock full of future claims, physics, and maybe something else. Who was the mysterious traveler that claimed to be from 2036, and why did he post on Internet forums in 2001? With a harrowing tale of a dark and dangerous future, his captivating claims and interesting mission through time have entranced and entertained people for years. Having no apparent motive other than to speak with the residents of his past, he remains one of the most enigmatic puzzles to come out of the early days of the Internet. While the claims were dubious, he did provide a hoard of knowledge about physics, history, and culture. Join David as he delves deeply into the story, claims, and investigations of a still-growing Internet icon. Just make sure to bring an extra canister of O2 for the ride!


Division, Enter the Maze, Danse Macabre, Hiding Your Reality, I Can Feel It Coming, Myst on the Moor, Intuit256 – Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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