Tag: Portland

  • Ep 180: Polybius

    Ep 180: Polybius

    Join David and Dave for a nostalgic trip to the golden era of arcade games as they discuss the urban legend of Polybius! An arcade game with a dastardly reputation, Polybius is infamous for all manner of conspiracies – but did it even exist? The boys spend a while reminiscing about days spent spending quarters in…

  • Episode 121: Shanghai Tunnels of Portland

    Episode 121: Shanghai Tunnels of Portland

    Flora and Stecco are pressed into service to talk about the Shanghai Tunnels of Portland! A rather legendary underground network of tunnels and rooms, the Shanghai Tunnels of Portland are a creepy, controversial location where some of humanity’s worst vice allegedly took place. Stealing people from bars and alleys of coastal cities was a popular business…